Capture, Search & Share all Social Media

Automatically record Posts, Edits even Deleted Messages in real-time, stored in one place.

So you can respond FAST, confident all records are provided for
FOIA - FOIL- Public Records - litigation and HR Investigations.

Monitor & Search All Social Platforms from One Place

All Posts, Edits even Deleted Posts


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Getting Started is Easy as 1 - 2 - 3...

1 - Pick your platforms


Tell us what you need and we will do the hard work

2 - Get Intradyn


Get set up in 30 mins, our support staff will guide you.

3 - Get To Archiving


Automated capture means you don't need to do a thing.

Access All Socials In One View

Much easier than logging into different platforms to search for messages.
Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, any socials you archive at your fingertips.

There are few things more frustrating than having to track down a single piece of information, combing through multiple platforms with limited search to retrieve it. Stop wasting time and being frustrated, use Intradyn to
find the information you need fast, export it easy and meet compliance.

How it Works


Our service crawls, captures and archives all messages for a social media account(s) in near real time. Any changes, edits, updates, deletions to text, images or videos are also captured and archived. All content is digitally signed (256-bit) and time-stamped which satisfies legal requirements. Our crawler are built and is continuously updated based on the social media platform developer APIs.

Data Archiving


The messages, tweets, comments, etc. on social media accounts are captured completely and archived. All images and videos (including outside linked content) is downloaded and archived. Intradyn Social Media Archiver implements strict access control mechanisms for social media content. Only authorized individuals are able to access and search on the social media content.

Simple Set Up


Setup is simple and easy to use. However, assistance is available from an Intradyn Sales Engineer if needed. Access to archiving certain forms of data requires authorization by the social media account owner/administrator – e.g. non-public fields/messaging, and so this must be granted prior to crawling an account.

Seamless Operation


Intradyn Social Media Archiver seamlessly works in the background. There is no impact on the social media accounts. You will have access to all your social media content on a purpose build solution.

Technical Specs

Captured Content

To capture the social media content we use an API based crawler. The crawler captures all social media content including all images, videos and meta-data. Images or videos which are hyperlinked to other sites are also captured and preserved to minimize the risk of broken link as time passes.

Tamper Proof

All social media content is time-stamped and digitally signed (256-bit) to ensure tamper-proofing. Additionally, all social media content is indexed, including tweets, mentions, direct messages, and other content using inverted index technology.


Role based authentication and authorization mechanism is implemented for granting access and permission for accessing the social media content on the Intradyn Archiver.


Fuzzy search, Boolean search, proximity search, wild card search is available in over 100 languages. All actions on the Intradyn Archiver are audited and detail log is maintained to ensure company policies and compliance requirements.